Health Visiting and School Nursing Services consultation

Closed 15 Aug 2021

Opened 15 Jul 2021


Northumberland County Council and Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust are planning to enter into a partnership arrangement, aiming to link health visiting and school nursing services more closely with other services which support children and young people and their families in Northumberland.

The two organisations are asking for views about what opportunities there are for closer joint working, and whether the proposed partnership is the best way to realise those opportunities.

Please click here to read the answers to questions that have been asked so far.

What happens next

We will ensure that the comments which you have made are reflected in the final report that will be considered by the Council’s Cabinet and the Board of Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust before they make a final decision about the proposed partnership. 


If you have included your email address, we will let you know when that report is published and if your comments raise issues which we think we need to know more about, we will be in contact.


  • Anyone from any background


  • wellbeing