Mobile Coverage in Northumberland

Closes 30 Apr 2025

Opened 10 Mar 2025


In an initiative to work towards good mobile coverage for all residents, Northumberland County Council is taking action to tackle the growing issue of poor mobile connectivity affecting residents and local businesses across the county. 

To help build a picture of these connectivity challenges, the Council are launching a new survey for residents and businesses to let us know location and times where mobile connectivity is poor. 

How we will use the information you provide 

By completing this survey you agree to your responses being collated, processed and analysed by Northumberland County Council.  The information you provide will be used only to identify areas of Northumberland where there are problems with mobile phone services relating to signal quality. 

All information provided will be treated as private and confidential and held in accordance with United Kingdom General Data Protection Regulation (UKGDPR). Further information on the Council's GDPR and privacy policies can be found here: 

Where your responses are used to summarise evidence, such summaries will never contain your name or anything that could identify you unless you give us permission to do so. 

Who can take part? 

We are inviting people who live or work in Northumberland to take part in this survey. We particularly want to hear from people in rural areas. 

What is involved? 

If you consent to take part, we will ask you to answer some questions about your mobile coverage usage and satisfaction. The survey should take less than 10 minutes to complete. Once you have started the survey, you are free to answer all, some or none of the questions as you see fit. You can stop the survey at any time. 

Give us your views


  • Anyone from any background


  • Inclusion