2021 Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment

Closed 18 Mar 2022

Opened 19 Nov 2021


Northumberland County Council must produce a new PNA by summer 2022. As part of the process of informing the updated document, we need your help in describing the services currently provided in your pharmacy.

We hope to get activity data on NHS and commissioned services from the commissioners and the NHS Business Services Authority, but we will need information from you about additional services you provide.

We do realise that COVID has affected a lot of your services, and therefore if you feel that we should be aware of services which have not recovered to their pre-pandemic levels feel free to use the free text box to tell us about these issues. This free text box can also be used to provide any additional information which you feel would be useful to the PNA authors.

We realise this is a busy time for all working in community pharmacy, but would appreciate your help in getting this questionnaire completed as quickly as possible. If we do not know about services, or do not receive completed questionnaires, then we will have an incomplete picture of the services provided by community pharmacies in Northumberland. This could lead to gaps in services being identified in the new PNA


  • Anyone from any background


  • wellbeing